Dental surgery, How do I make my weak teeth strong again?

According to Artlab Dentistry Brentwood, despite how strong your teeth are right now, they can weaken over time if you don’t know how to properly care for them. The outermost layer of your teeth known as the enamel is very strong but don’t get too confident because it’s not invincible. Aging and lifestyle habits are two of the biggest contributing factors to weak teeth. Since you can’t stop the former, you still have a chance of protecting your teeth by reassessing the latter. When you change your lifestyle, you’ll prevent the premature wear and tear of your enamel. Here’s what you can do to make your teeth as strong as ever.

Limit Your Intake of Food and Drinks

Your mouth is full of bacteria. When you consume food and drinks that are loaded with sugar, the bacteria present in your mouth will feed on them. As a result, they produce acids that are powerful enough to erode your enamel. The worst foods are chewy candies. These candies are loaded with sugars plus they cling to your teeth causing major damage. You must also stay away from soft drinks even if they claim to be sugar-free because these beverages are highly acidic and can weaken your enamel. If you get thirsty, your best option is to drink water.

Consume Foods That Are Good For Your Enamel

There are foods you need to incorporate into your diet to help strengthen your teeth. Foods that are rich in calcium will help counter the acids produced in your mouth. Examples of foods that make your teeth strong are cheese and milk. If you’re not a fan of dairy products, you may opt for foods that are high in calcium.

Don’t Brush Too Much and Too Hard

One of the biggest mistakes people make is brushing more than the necessary number of times allowable and brushing using too much force, both of which are counterproductive. The American Dental Association suggests you brush your teeth at least twice a day. Once in the morning and the second one before going to bed. The angle of the toothbrush should be forty-five degrees pointed toward the areas where your gums meet with your teeth. The circular and back and forth strokes should be gentle. Brushing too hard especially if you’re using a hard-bristled toothbrush will lead to enamel erosion. The same goes for brushing too many times a day. Don’t overdo it. Another important thing to keep in mind is to wait at least thirty minutes after consuming food and drinks that are sweet or acidic before you start brushing your teeth.

Fluoride Is Your Best Friend

Fluoride is your secret weapon against cavities. Not only does fluoride repair your teeth following tooth decay but it also helps strengthen them. Fluoride makes your teeth resistant against acid attack from the food you eat and from the bacteria that reside in your mouth. The American Dental Association recommends you use fluoride-based toothpaste whenever you brush and then rinse it off with a fluoride-based mouthwash.

Seek Professional Help If You Have An Eating Disorder

You’re probably wondering what an eating disorder has got to do with your teeth? Well, people who suffer from bulimia, an eating disorder wherein people deliberately vomit after eating, will put you at risk of developing cavities. If you have this problem, have it treated right away otherwise, your teeth will suffer the consequences.

Visit Your Dentist Regularly

How often should you see your dentist? According to the American Dental Association, you are advised to see a dentist every year at least twice a year to keep your teeth strong. These visits consist of a dental examination and professional teeth cleaning. These exams will allow your dentist to check your mouth for possible signs of infection, cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease. Early detection would mean early treatment. This will prevent the problem from blowing out of proportion and cause more damage. Dentists also offer fluoride treatments like mouthwashes, coatings, and supplements to help strengthen your teeth.

Watch Out For Chlorinated Pools

Do you love to swim? If you answered yes, be careful of pools that are chlorinated because once they come in contact with your teeth, they can cause damage. Just so you know, chlorinated water is highly acidic. We’re not going to discourage you to swim but we do insist that you close your mouth while you’re swimming.


If you follow these tips we’ve highlighted here we’re sure you’ll be able to enjoy strong teeth for as long as possible. Good luck!

Dr. Mamaly Reshad, DDS, MSc, Prosthodontist, has over 20 years of experience in dentistry is the owner of ArtLab Dentistry in Brentwood.

Frequently Asked Questions About General Dentistry

When was the last time you saw your dentist? What kind of dentist did you see? Yes, just so you know, there are different types of dental health professionals. To be clear, anyone who completes four years in dental school and earns a degree is not yet allowed to practice the profession unless they acquire state licensure. The requirements vary from one state to the other but all states require a passing score in the National Board Dental Examinations. A dental school graduate who passes this exam will be granted a license so that he or she can practice general dentistry and offer dental services to patients.

What Is A General Dentist?

A general dentist is a dental health professional whose primary responsibilities include managing and treating common dental health problems. Whenever something happens to your teeth and gums the first person you need to call is a general dentist. Aside from offering dental treatments like dentures, bridges, extractions and fillings they also provide preventive dental care which includes dental cleaning (scaling and polishing) and education (teaching you the proper way to brush and floss your teeth) to ensure that your oral health is in tiptop shape.

What Does A General Dentist Do?

General dentistry has evolved over the years. Back in the days, people made appointments to a general dentist for all problems concerning their teeth and gums. Today, this is no longer the case because there now exists a number of dental health specialists. If a general dentist wants to specialize in a particular area, they can pursue additional training and education. For example, if you want to treat misaligned teeth and abnormal bites you can specialize in orthodontics or if you want to treat gum problems and disease you can specialize in periodontology.

However, despite the abundance of dental health specialists, the first person you need to see regarding oral cavity problems is a general dentist. A general dentist provides overall care for your teeth and gums. Ideally, you should see your dentist twice a year that’s once every six months for an annual checkup. This is necessary so that your dentist can monitor the condition of your teeth and gums and to identify if you suffer from any existing dental problems. Early detection means early treatment and a better chance of resolving the problem before it gets worse.

What exactly does a general dentist do? Well, first, your general dentist will visually inspect your teeth and gums and perform several tests to validate their findings. A mouth X-ray may be ordered to check for oral abnormalities. If your general dentist discovers cavities in your teeth, he or she may perform a dental filling to stop tooth decay from spreading. If upon assessment your dentist sees that the cavity has gone too far and has infected the pulp a root canal therapy will be done to remove the infected pulp.

Another thing the general dentist are known for is dental cleaning. This is by far one of the most common services they offer to patients as part of preventive dental care. You see, when you brush and floss your teeth at home you don’t completely remove that sticky film called plaque on the surface of your teeth and along the gum line. Plaque tends to collect in certain areas in your mouth that your toothbrush and floss can’t reach. When plaque is not removed it will cause tooth decay and gum disease. Luckily, your dentist can clean your teeth thoroughly to remove all traces of plaque.


Basically, every person is required to see a general dentist once every six months for a dental exam and dental clean. After that, your general dentist will refer you to a specialist if he or she finds that your dental health problem requires special attention.

Brighten Your Smile With A Cosmetic Dentist

Your teeth can start to yellow and get stained for many reasons. Drinking coffee, wine, and tea can make your teeth turn yellow. When you have stained teeth it is hard to be confident about your smile and you might not feel as good about yourself as you would like. A cosmetic dentist can help you get the bright smile you need so you feel better about your teeth.

If you really want to whiten your teeth you need to visit the dentist since the dentist is going to help you get your teeth much brighter than you would be able to do on your own. The right dentist is going to brighten your teeth and give you a winning smile.

You get much better results when you have your teeth whitened at the dentist. The dentist has the right tools and whiteners that are going to make your smile pop and look as white as possible. You get the best results when you use the cosmetic dentist.

The process is going to be safer as well. The cosmetic dentist is going to help you get the look you are going for. White teeth are going to make you look amazing.